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This junction is located in Plantersville. Todd Mission is nearby.
This location is in the Houston - Galveston area.
This location's approximate GPS Coordinates are 30.29575 x -95.83512.
From this junction, traffic can enter the Tomball Tollway traveling both southbound and northbound. Traffic can also exit the Tomball Tollway traveling both southbound and northbound.
Tolls are not charged or collected at this junction.
The next exit northbound is CR 304, approximately 5.1 miles away.
The next exit southbound is SH 249 1B Tolling Zone, approximately 2.5 miles away.
Closest Gas Stations
No gas or other fuel stations nearby.
Closest EV Chargers
No EV charging stations nearby.
Closest Fast Food
Fast food refers ONLY to quick-service and take-out diners. All restaurant types are shown on the map below.
No fast-food dining nearby.
Hotels, gas stations and EV charging, plus fast-food locations within about two miles.
Airport is about 36.5 miles away.
Airport is about 56.0 miles away.
Select map markers for information and other options, including online ordering
Partly Sunny
80° F / 26.4° C
Feels Like:
83° F / 28.4° C
12 Miles / 19.3 KM
3-Hour Precip:
0.03 IN / 0.1 CM
North Northeast
Winds (NNE)
6.9 MPH / 11 KPH
Wind Gusts:
13.8 MPH / 22.2 KPH
Get 12-hour driving conditions and your 10-day travel forecast here.
Weather data provided by our partners at AccuWeather.
Select and tap any vendor name to show address, phone numbers and available URLs for gas stations, EV charging stations and fast-food dining within about two miles of FM 1774.
Fast food listings also include a link for online ordering, where available.
All Gas Stations Within Two (2) Miles
No gas or other fuel stations nearby.
All EV Charge Stations Within Two (2) Miles
No EV charging stations nearby.
All Fast-Food Restaurants Within Two (2) Miles
This list only includes quick-service and take-out restaurants. All nearby restaurants are shown on the map above.
No fast food diners or restaurants nearby.
Roads Within Region (Pick For Map)
Roads Within Region (Pick For Map)
Roads Within Region (Pick For Map)