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Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area

Golden Gate Bridge Rest Stops



Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area On The Map

Golden Gate Bridge guide marker

Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area

Use of road signs, highway markers, agency insignia or other logos does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

Dynamic Map Of Golden Gate Bridge and this rest stop

Select gas icons for additional info. Exit and plaza markers will take you to that exit's page.



Golden Gate Bridge guide marker

Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area

Use of road signs, highway markers, agency insignia or other logos does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

About This Location

Where On The Map Is This Location?

This location's approximate GPS Coordinates are 37.83271 x -122.48114.

This rest stop is located in Fort Baker. Sausalito is nearby.

This location is in the San Francisco Bay Area area.

This exit also connects with .

▹ The Golden Gate Bridge and the connect here.

What Amenities Does This rest stop Have?

View available services at this rest stop in the amenity info section below.

What exits are adjacent to this rest stop?

The next exit northbound is Alexander Avenue / Fort Baker, approximately 0.2 miles away.

The next exit southbound is Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center, approximately 1.9 miles away.



Golden Gate Bridge guide marker

Rest Area Amenities

Use of road signs, highway markers, agency insignia or other logos does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.


No current notices.

  • Access
  • Picnic
  • Pet Area
    Pet Area

Golden Gate Bridge Service Plazas / Rest Areas (3)

 Where to rest and fuel up on the Golden Gate Bridge.

 Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center – San Francisco

 Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area – Fort Baker

Current Weather Near Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area

Current Conditions At Vista Point / H. Dana Bower Rest Area

 ▸ Times shown reflect local time zones for specified states/roads.

  • 09 7 11
  • Cloudy

    53° F / 11.9° C

    Feels Like:

    56° F / 13.1° C

  • South Southwest
    Winds (SSW)

    2.3 MPH / 3.6 KPH

    Wind Gusts:

    4.6 MPH / 7.4 KPH

  • Visibility

    7 Miles / 11.3 KM

    3-Hour Precip:

    0 IN / 0.0 CM

View satellite and radar, 12-hour and 10-day forecasts at Fort Baker.

▹ MORE: Radar & Forecast ▹




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