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is the main transponder/pass sticker issued by the State of California.
However, there are three agencies issuing passes in California, so you have more options.
The main transponder issued in the State of California is FasTrak.
If you wish to order the FasTrak, the state offers the following types of accounts:
All FasTrak accounts are prepaid. However, carpools get an extra discount on tolls when using FasTrak.
For each FasTrak transponder you request, a leased toll tag will be sent to you. There is no charge for the transponder, but a security deposit applies.
Personal, carpool and business users all must sign up using the same method, and the following basics will apply to all accounts:
NOTICE! These are links to the official toll agencies representing or issuing the passes listed. is not affliated with any government agency.
Use the options below to guide you buying a transponder for California.
It is normal to get a toll transponder from the most prominent agency in any given state; however, how you travel can influence whether you get a different transponder, or even more than one.
Families and businesses will often have more than one vehicle. This usually means there is more than one transponder/pass on an account.
Most agencies allow more than one transponder to be assigned to an account, often up to five per family, and more for businesses. However, only one transponder or sticker ID can be assigned to any one vehicle at any given time.
When you order a pass, you will be required to set up a toll pass account with the state or regional agency that issues the transponder or sticker. This is how you will manage your transponders, your vehicles and add funds to your new toll passes.
When you get your pass, you will need to associate the identification number on the transponder or sticker with the vehicle you are using.
Proper installation of your new sticker or transponder is vital to assuring the device can be read by tolling equipment.
The illustration below provides a quick reference, and we have a complete installation guide, including special instructions for installing license-plate transponders, which are often used on large trucks and vehicles with metal-oxide windows.
NOTICE! If you are using a toll pass or transponder with one of the following networks, your pass will not work in California.
Refer to our nationwide road guide to see which passes work for each toll road across North America.
Antioch Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
Benicia Martinez Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
CA 73
Agency: Transportation Corridor Agencies
Carquinez Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
Dumbarton Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
Golden Gate Bridge
Agency: Golden Gate Transportation District
Richmond San Rafael Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
San Mateo Hayward Bridge
Agency: Bay Area Toll Authority
South Bay Expressway
Agency: San Diego Association of Governments
We are sorry, but this pass can not be used outside of California.
We only show above those states where we can verify acceptance of FasTrak.