Gas Price Report For June 14, 2021

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

05/31/21 06/07/21 06/14/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 3.027 3.035 3.069 +0.034 +0.971
East Coast (PADD1) 2.928 2.931 2.963 +0.032 +0.941
New England (PADD1A) 2.938 2.950 2.964 +0.014 +0.927
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 3.042 3.058 3.079 +0.021 +0.923
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.853 2.846 2.891 +0.045 +0.958
Midwest (PADD2) 2.931 2.951 2.987 +0.036 +0.961
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.717 2.705 2.754 +0.049 +0.978
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 3.157 3.193 3.216 +0.023 +0.982
West Coast (PADD5) 3.724 3.747 3.756 +0.009 +1.076
West Coast less California 3.341 3.371 3.375 +0.004 +0.947

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

05/31/21 06/07/21 06/14/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 3.255 3.274 3.286
East Coast (PADD1) 3.239 3.259 3.275
New England (PADD1A) 3.165 3.183 3.203
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 3.414 3.424 3.435
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 3.135 3.163 3.181
Midwest (PADD2) 3.197 3.222 3.233
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 3.027 3.034 3.040
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 3.377 3.386 3.382
West Coast (PADD5) 3.762 3.786 3.802
West Coast less California 3.410 3.446 3.465
California 4.047 4.055 4.099

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Author: Danny Pryor

Danny has more than 32 years of experience in media, including broadcasting and print journalism, and over two decades of website and digital content development. He is an AP-award-winning reporter and the creator of