Gas Price Report For February 22, 2021

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

02/08/21 02/15/21 02/22/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.461 2.501 2.633 +0.132 +0.167
East Coast (PADD1) 2.438 2.470 2.604 +0.134 +0.204
New England (PADD1A) 2.446 2.474 2.563 +0.089 +0.106
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.589 2.628 2.743 +0.115 +0.204
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.341 2.369 2.526 +0.157 +0.229
Midwest (PADD2) 2.362 2.399 2.562 +0.163 +0.207
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.163 2.216 2.341 +0.125 +0.190
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.329 2.390 2.439 +0.049 -0.001
West Coast (PADD5) 3.001 3.043 3.150 +0.107 +0.010
West Coast less California 2.638 2.690 2.814 +0.124 -0.072

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

02/08/21 02/15/21 02/22/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.801 2.876 2.973 +0.097 +0.091
East Coast (PADD1) 2.845 2.898 3.001 +0.103 +0.070
New England (PADD1A) 2.840 2.888 2.962 +0.074 -0.099
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 3.005 3.052 3.132 +0.080 +0.015
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.740 2.798 2.921 +0.123 +0.142
Midwest (PADD2) 2.748 2.852 2.945 +0.093 +0.189
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.566 2.627 2.722 +0.095 +0.068
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.699 2.787 2.856 +0.069 +0.007
West Coast (PADD5) 3.258 3.328 3.432 +0.104 -0.027
West Coast less California 2.897 2.960 3.063 +0.103 -0.009
California 3.558 3.635 3.739 +0.104 -0.039

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For February 15, 2021

Federal holiday on February 15, 2021. Report released February 16.
This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

02/01/21 02/08/21 02/15/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.409 2.461 2.501 +0.040 +0.073
East Coast (PADD1) 2.378 2.438 2.470 +0.032 +0.106
New England (PADD1A) 2.400 2.446 2.474 +0.028 +0.034
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.540 2.589 2.628 +0.039 +0.122
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.273 2.341 2.369 +0.028 +0.115
Midwest (PADD2) 2.314 2.362 2.399 +0.037 +0.092
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.108 2.163 2.216 +0.053 +0.133
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.284 2.329 2.390 +0.061 -0.083
West Coast (PADD5) 2.958 3.001 3.043 +0.042 -0.092
West Coast less California 2.595 2.638 2.690 +0.052 -0.193

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

02/01/21 02/08/21 02/15/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.738 2.801 2.876 +0.075 -0.014
East Coast (PADD1) 2.791 2.845 2.898 +0.053 -0.042
New England (PADD1A) 2.796 2.840 2.888 +0.048 -0.182
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.964 3.005 3.052 +0.047 -0.071
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.675 2.740 2.798 +0.058 0.005
Midwest (PADD2) 2.676 2.748 2.852 +0.104 0.095
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.500 2.566 2.627 +0.061 -0.031
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.641 2.699 2.787 +0.088 -0.071
West Coast (PADD5) 3.199 3.258 3.328 +0.070 -0.140
West Coast less California 2.841 2.897 2.960 +0.063 -0.121
California 3.497 3.558 3.635 +0.077 -0.139

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For February 8, 2021

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

01/25/21 02/01/21 02/08/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.392 2.409 2.461 +0.052 +0.042
East Coast (PADD1) 2.373 2.378 2.438 +0.060 +0.069
New England (PADD1A) 2.379 2.400 2.446 +0.046 -0.008
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.534 2.540 2.589 +0.049 +0.078
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.270 2.273 2.341 +0.068 +0.084
Midwest (PADD2) 2.278 2.314 2.362 +0.048 +0.102
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.103 2.108 2.163 +0.055 +0.076
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.263 2.284 2.329 +0.045 -0.178
West Coast (PADD5) 2.934 2.958 3.001 +0.043 -0.144
West Coast less California 2.576 2.595 2.638 +0.043 -0.257

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

01/25/21 02/01/21 02/08/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.716 2.738 2.801 +0.063 -0.109
East Coast (PADD1) 2.763 2.791 2.845 +0.054 -0.117
New England (PADD1A) 2.781 2.796 2.840 +0.044 -0.235
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.942 2.964 3.005 +0.041 -0.141
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.642 2.675 2.740 +0.065 -0.076
Midwest (PADD2) 2.656 2.676 2.748 +0.072 -0.028
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.483 2.500 2.566 +0.066 -0.109
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.613 2.641 2.699 +0.058 -0.196
West Coast (PADD5) 3.176 3.199 3.258 +0.059 -0.223
West Coast less California 2.816 2.841 2.897 +0.056 -0.201
California 3.477 3.497 3.558 +0.061 -0.226


*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For February 1, 2021

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

01/18/21 01/25/21 02/01/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.379 2.392 2.409 +0.017 -0.046
East Coast (PADD1) 2.349 2.373 2.378 +0.005 -0.015
New England (PADD1A) 2.361 2.379 2.400 +0.021 -0.079
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.519 2.534 2.540 +0.006 -0.008
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.238 2.270 2.273 +0.003 +0.001
Midwest (PADD2) 2.278 2.278 2.314 +0.036 +0.001
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.113 2.103 2.108 +0.005 -0.028
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.241 2.263 2.284 +0.021 -0.242
West Coast (PADD5) 2.910 2.934 2.958 +0.024 -0.197
West Coast less California 2.561 2.576 2.595 +0.019 -0.303

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

01/18/21 01/25/21 02/01/21 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.696 2.716 2.738 +0.022 -0.218
East Coast (PADD1) 2.747 2.763 2.791 +0.028 -0.212
New England (PADD1A) 2.764 2.781 2.796 +0.015 -0.309
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.924 2.942 2.964 +0.022 -0.216
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.627 2.642 2.675 +0.033 -0.188
Midwest (PADD2) 2.632 2.656 2.676 +0.020 -0.163
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.461 2.483 2.500 +0.017 -0.210
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.603 2.613 2.641 +0.028 -0.303
West Coast (PADD5) 3.155 3.176 3.199 +0.023 -0.318
West Coast less California 2.804 2.816 2.841 +0.025 -0.305
California 3.448 3.477 3.497 +0.020 -0.315


*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.