Gas Price Report For September 28, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

09/14/20 09/21/20 09/28/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.183 2.168 2.169 +0.001 -0.473
East Coast (PADD1) 2.138 2.114 2.108 -0.006 -0.398
New England (PADD1A) 2.130 2.124 2.114 -0.010 -0.439
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.285 2.263 2.257 -0.006 -0.381
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.050 2.019 2.016 -0.003 -0.395
Midwest (PADD2) 2.027 2.034 2.059 +0.025 -0.429
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.857 1.838 1.836 -0.002 -0.490
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.329 2.314 2.296 -0.018 -0.413
West Coast (PADD5) 2.855 2.836 2.817 -0.019 -0.730
West Coast less California 2.568 2.546 2.530 -0.016 -0.527

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

09/14/20 09/21/20 09/28/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.422 2.404 2.394 -0.010 -0.672
East Coast (PADD1) 2.499 2.486 2.473 -0.013 -0.592
New England (PADD1A) 2.605 2.601 2.592 -0.009 -0.464
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.676 2.662 2.658 -0.004 -0.580
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.357 2.343 2.323 -0.020 -0.625
Midwest (PADD2) 2.308 2.282 2.269 -0.013 -0.718
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.172 2.157 2.154 -0.003 -0.673
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.368 2.348 2.336 -0.012 -0.696
West Coast (PADD5) 2.955 2.941 2.928 -0.013 -0.717
West Coast less California 2.575 2.557 2.554 -0.003 -0.674
California 3.267 3.257 3.236 -0.021 -0.740

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For September 21, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

09/07/20 09/14/20 09/21/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.211 2.183 2.168 -0.015 -0.486
East Coast (PADD1) 2.168 2.138 2.114 -0.024 -0.426
New England (PADD1A) 2.151 2.130 2.124 -0.006 -0.432
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.308 2.285 2.263 -0.022 -0.399
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.085 2.050 2.019 -0.031 -0.439
Midwest (PADD2) 2.066 2.027 2.034 +0.007 -0.551
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.890 1.857 1.838 -0.019 -0.515
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.345 2.329 2.314 -0.015 -0.384
West Coast (PADD5) 2.858 2.855 2.836 -0.019 -0.501
West Coast less California 2.572 2.568 2.546 -0.022 -0.459

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

09/07/20 09/14/20 09/21/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.435 2.422 2.404 -0.018 -0.677
East Coast (PADD1) 2.511 2.499 2.486 -0.013 -0.597
New England (PADD1A) 2.612 2.605 2.601 -0.004 -0.469
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.689 2.676 2.662 -0.014 -0.590
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.370 2.357 2.343 -0.014 -0.628
Midwest (PADD2) 2.321 2.308 2.282 -0.026 -0.710
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.184 2.172 2.157 -0.015 -0.701
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.378 2.368 2.348 -0.020 -0.686
West Coast (PADD5) 2.964 2.955 2.941 -0.014 -0.709
West Coast less California 2.584 2.575 2.557 -0.018 -0.681
California 3.276 3.267 3.257 -0.010 -0.719

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Update For September 14, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

08/31/20 09/07/20 09/14/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.222 2.211 2.183 -0.028 -0.369
East Coast (PADD1) 2.156 2.168 2.138 -0.030 -0.315
New England (PADD1A) 2.162 2.151 2.130 -0.021 -0.412
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.320 2.308 2.285 -0.023 -0.310
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.052 2.085 2.050 -0.035 -0.291
Midwest (PADD2) 2.121 2.066 2.027 -0.039 -0.429
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.889 1.890 1.857 -0.033 -0.376
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.345 2.345 2.329 -0.016 -0.325
West Coast (PADD5) 2.858 2.858 2.855 -0.003 -0.399
West Coast less California 2.577 2.572 2.568 -0.004 -0.395

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

08/31/20 09/07/20 09/14/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.441 2.435 2.422 -0.013 -0.565
East Coast (PADD1) 2.519 2.511 2.499 -0.012 -0.499
New England (PADD1A) 2.622 2.612 2.605 -0.007 -0.408
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.694 2.689 2.676 -0.013 -0.501
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.379 2.370 2.357 -0.013 -0.517
Midwest (PADD2) 2.329 2.321 2.308 -0.013 -0.574
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.188 2.184 2.172 -0.012 -0.589
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.385 2.378 2.368 -0.010 -0.591
West Coast (PADD5) 2.972 2.964 2.955 -0.009 -0.619
West Coast less California 2.603 2.584 2.575 -0.009 -0.586
California 3.276 3.276 3.267 -0.009 -0.634

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For September 7, 2020

Editor’s note: Labor Day Holiday on September 7. Report released September 8, 2020.

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

08/24/20 08/31/20 09/07/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.182 2.222 2.211 -0.011 -0.339
East Coast (PADD1) 2.096 2.156 2.168 +0.012 -0.294
New England (PADD1A) 2.121 2.162 2.151 -0.011 -0.394
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.235 2.320 2.308 -0.012 -0.298
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.003 2.052 2.085 +0.033 -0.264
Midwest (PADD2) 2.073 2.121 2.066 -0.055 -0.372
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.866 1.889 1.890 +0.001 -0.346
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.350 2.345 2.345 0.000 -0.288
West Coast (PADD5) 2.855 2.858 2.858 0.000 -0.396
West Coast less California 2.574 2.577 2.572 -0.005 -0.394

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

08/24/20 08/31/20 09/07/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.426 2.441 2.435 -0.006 -0.536
East Coast (PADD1) 2.506 2.519 2.511 -0.008 -0.481
New England (PADD1A) 2.620 2.622 2.612 -0.010 -0.410
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.683 2.694 2.689 -0.005 -0.472
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.363 2.379 2.370 -0.009 -0.501
Midwest (PADD2) 2.308 2.329 2.321 -0.008 -0.543
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.174 2.188 2.184 -0.004 -0.561
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.369 2.385 2.378 -0.007 -0.555
West Coast (PADD5) 2.960 2.972 2.964 -0.008 -0.584
West Coast less California 2.590 2.603 2.584 -0.019 -0.547
California 3.265 3.276 3.276 0.000 -0.602

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.