Gas Price Report For April 27, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

04/13/20 04/20/20 04/27/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 1.853 1.812 1.773 -0.039 -1.114
East Coast (PADD1) 1.878 1.844 1.810 -0.034 -0.970
New England (PADD1A) 1.887 1.861 1.833 -0.028 -0.991
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.080 2.046 1.997 -0.049 -0.935
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 1.745 1.712 1.684 -0.028 -0.991
Midwest (PADD2) 1.551 1.510 1.478 -0.032 -1.287
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.576 1.544 1.508 -0.036 -1.074
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 1.921 1.866 1.809 -0.057 -1.034
West Coast (PADD5) 2.580 2.515 2.454 -0.061 -1.217
West Coast less California 2.377 2.296 2.216 -0.080 -1.079

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

04/13/20 04/20/20 04/27/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.507 2.480 2.437 -0.043 -0.732
East Coast (PADD1) 2.599 2.576 2.545 -0.031 -0.649
New England (PADD1A) 2.715 2.709 2.677 -0.032 -0.559
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.782 2.747 2.711 -0.036 -0.674
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.450 2.434 2.406 -0.028 -0.651
Midwest (PADD2) 2.353 2.326 2.287 -0.039 -0.771
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.289 2.272 2.208 -0.064 -0.731
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.497 2.471 2.434 -0.037 -0.749
West Coast (PADD5) 3.028 2.974 2.934 -0.040 -0.796
West Coast less California 2.695 2.640 2.593 -0.047 -0.753
California 3.302 3.248 3.214 -0.034 -0.821

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For April 20, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

04/06/20 04/13/20 04/20/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 1.924 1.853 1.812 -0.041 -1.029
East Coast (PADD1) 1.921 1.878 1.844 -0.034 -0.889
New England (PADD1A) 1.936 1.887 1.861 -0.026 -0.876
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.119 2.080 2.046 -0.034 -0.811
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 1.791 1.745 1.712 -0.033 -0.943
Midwest (PADD2) 1.629 1.551 1.510 -0.041 -1.212
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.658 1.576 1.544 -0.032 -0.991
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.008 1.921 1.866 -0.055 -0.893
West Coast (PADD5) 2.682 2.580 2.515 -0.065 -1.114
West Coast less California 2.452 2.377 2.296 -0.081 -0.947

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

04/06/20 04/13/20 04/20/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.548 2.507 2.480 -0.027 -0.667
East Coast (PADD1) 2.634 2.599 2.576 -0.023 -0.598
New England (PADD1A) 2.745 2.715 2.709 -0.006 -0.508
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.827 2.782 2.747 -0.035 -0.623
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.480 2.450 2.434 -0.016 -0.599
Midwest (PADD2) 2.394 2.353 2.326 -0.027 -0.716
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.325 2.289 2.272 -0.017 -0.645
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.541 2.497 2.471 -0.026 -0.672
West Coast (PADD5) 3.090 3.028 2.974 -0.054 -0.722
West Coast less California 2.754 2.695 2.640 -0.055 -0.669
California 3.368 3.302 3.248 -0.054 -0.755

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For April 13, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

03/30/20 04/06/20 04/13/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.005 1.924 1.853 -0.071 -0.975
East Coast (PADD1) 1.980 1.921 1.878 -0.043 -0.840
New England (PADD1A) 2.010 1.936 1.887 -0.049 -0.761
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.171 2.119 2.080 -0.039 -0.736
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 1.850 1.791 1.745 -0.046 -0.928
Midwest (PADD2) 1.735 1.629 1.551 -0.078 -1.185
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.763 1.658 1.576 -0.082 -0.960
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.106 2.008 1.921 -0.087 -0.719
West Coast (PADD5) 2.759 2.682 2.580 -0.102 -0.999
West Coast less California 2.528 2.452 2.377 -0.075 -0.786

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

03/30/20 04/06/20 04/13/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.586 2.548 2.507 -0.041 -0.611
East Coast (PADD1) 2.671 2.634 2.599 -0.035 -0.554
New England (PADD1A) 2.793 2.745 2.715 -0.030 -0.490
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.866 2.827 2.782 -0.045 -0.560
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.514 2.480 2.450 -0.030 -0.565
Midwest (PADD2) 2.432 2.394 2.353 -0.041 -0.657
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.363 2.325 2.289 -0.036 -0.610
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.592 2.541 2.497 -0.044 -0.585
West Coast (PADD5) 3.126 3.090 3.028 -0.062 -0.623
West Coast less California 2.798 2.754 2.695 -0.059 -0.557
California 3.395 3.368 3.302 -0.066 -0.665

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Gas Price Report For April 6, 2020

This week’s average fuel prices for all regions are shown below, as gathered from

E.I.A. Gas Price Survey

03/23/20 03/30/20 04/06/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.120 2.005 1.924 -0.081 -0.821
East Coast (PADD1) 2.084 1.980 1.921 -0.059 -0.732
New England (PADD1A) 2.138 2.010 1.936 -0.074 -0.653
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.255 2.171 2.119 -0.052 -0.622
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 1.960 1.850 1.791 -0.059 -0.822
Midwest (PADD2) 1.873 1.735 1.629 -0.106 -1.041
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 1.860 1.763 1.658 -0.105 -0.794
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.237 2.106 2.008 -0.098 -0.531
West Coast (PADD5) 2.878 2.759 2.682 -0.077 -0.736
West Coast less California 2.654 2.528 2.452 -0.076 -0.604

E.I.A. Diesel Price Survey

03/23/20 03/30/20 04/06/20 week ago year ago
U.S. 2.659 2.586 2.548 -0.038 -0.545
East Coast (PADD1) 2.724 2.671 2.634 -0.037 -0.503
New England (PADD1A) 2.849 2.793 2.745 -0.048 -0.448
Central Atlantic (PADD1B) 2.911 2.866 2.827 -0.039 -0.497
Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) 2.573 2.514 2.480 -0.034 -0.518
Midwest (PADD2) 2.499 2.432 2.394 -0.038 -0.599
Gulf Coast (PADD3) 2.438 2.363 2.325 -0.038 -0.554
Rocky Mountain (PADD4) 2.680 2.592 2.541 -0.051 -0.487
West Coast (PADD5) 3.248 3.126 3.090 -0.036 -0.501
West Coast less California 2.879 2.798 2.754 -0.044 -0.435
California 3.552 3.395 3.368 -0.027 -0.542

*PADD stands for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. Charts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.