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Texas License Plate Tolls

Texas Plate Payment Rules And Payment Options



Texas Plate Payments By Agency And Road

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Agencies & Roads With Plate Payment

Visiting each agency's page will show special rules that may apply for each road.

  • Texas Department of Transportation ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: A Pay by Mail invoice will be generated for drivers without a TxTag or compatible toll transponder. A $1.15 statement fee will be added for Pay by Mail invoices, and a $4.00 late fee will be applied for past due balances.
    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    Loop 1LOOP 1

    Sh 45 NSH 45 N

    Sh 45 SeSH 45 SE

    Sh 130SH 130


    No Plate Pay in Fort Bend County, south of the Westpark Tollway. Elsewhere, a Pay by Mail invoice will be generated for drivers without a TxTag or compatible toll transponder. A $1.15 statement fee will be added for Pay by Mail invoices, and a $4.00 late fee will be applied for past due balances.

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • Harris County Toll Road Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: HCTRA-managed roads do not technically have a plate pay system, and most toll points are cashless. The current policy allows drivers to pay missed tolls online before a toll invoice is generated. Users must wait between seven to ten (7 - 10) days before searching their license plate number for amounts due. Once an invoice is generated, it counts as an outstanding violation.
    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:


    Harris County and South Montgomery County use HCTRA rules: HCTRA-managed roads do not technically have a plate pay system. The current policy allows drivers to pay missed tolls online before a toll invoice is generated. Where Tomball Tollway becomes simply SH-249, just south of Pinehurst, and continuing north into Grimes County, license plate tolling is allowed. This part of the road is operated by TxDOT.

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: License plate tolling is not allowed on toll roads operated by Fort Bend County. Toll violation notices will be sent for tolls accumulated over a 10-day period, and will include an administrative fee.
    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:


    No Plate Pay in Fort Bend County, south of the Westpark Tollway. Elsewhere, a Pay by Mail invoice will be generated for drivers without a TxTag or compatible toll transponder. A $1.15 statement fee will be added for Pay by Mail invoices, and a $4.00 late fee will be applied for past due balances.

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • North Texas Tollway Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: NTTA calls their plate pay system Zip Cash. Zip Cash invoices will be mailed, for license plate tolling, on NTTA roadways in the greater Dallas-Ft. Worth metro area. Invoices must be paid within 25 days to avoid any fees. After 25 days, a $10 fee will be applied.

    REGISTER YOUR PLATE: For discounts or to create an account for plate payments, you may register your license plate with North Texas Tollway Authority.

    Register your plate

    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    360 Tollway360 TOLLWAY

    Addison Airport Toll TunnelADDISON AIRPORT TOLL TUNNEL

    Dallas North TollwayDALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY

    Lewisville Lake Toll BridgeLEWISVILLE LAKE TOLL BRIDGE

    Mountain Creek Lake Toll BridgeMOUNTAIN CREEK LAKE TOLL BRIDGE

    President George Bush TurnpikePRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH TURNPIKE

    Sam Rayburn TollwaySAM RAYBURN TOLLWAY

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: A Pay by Mail invoice will be generated for drivers without a TxTag or compatible toll transponder. A $1.00 administrative fee will be added for Pay by Mail invoices.

    REGISTER YOUR PLATE: For discounts or to create an account for plate payments, you may register your license plate with North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority.

    Register your plate

    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    Toll 49TOLL 49 (AKA: LOOP 49)

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: License plate registration for plate pay is called a Fuego account. Prepayment of toll is required if establishing a Fuego account. Pay by Mail invoices will be sent, and will include a $1.00 administrative fee. Pay by Mail invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid additional fees.

    REGISTER YOUR PLATE: For discounts or to create an account for plate payments, you may register your license plate with Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.

    Register your plate

    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    Sh 550SH 550

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: A Pay by Mail invoice will be generated for drivers without a TxTag or compatible toll transponder. Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date.

    REGISTER YOUR PLATE: For discounts or to create an account for plate payments, you may register your license plate with Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority.

    Register your plate

    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    183A Toll Road183A TOLL ROAD

    290 Toll Road290 TOLL ROAD

    183 Toll Road183 TOLL ROAD

    SH 45 SWSH 45 SW

    71 Toll Road71 TOLL ROAD (AKA: 71 TOLL LANE)

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹

  • SH 130 Concession Company ▹

    Basic rules for license plate payments: All payments and collections are handled by TxDOT. TxDot Pay by Mail rules apply.
    Agency Roads With Plate Payments:

    Sh 130SH 130

      ▹ Agency Rules & Detail By Road ▹



Texas Roads Requiring Other Payments

Roads that do not allow plate payment or where license plate tolls are restricted:

(Showing allowed payments and roads converting to plate pay)

▹ Toll Payments In Texas ▹




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