Welcome to this website, owned and operated by Turnpike Information Company ("TURNPIKE"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rodan Media Group Corporation ("RODAN"). Both companies are corporations organized under the laws of the state of Florida. Use of this website is subject the terms and conditions delineated herein. We strongly recommend you also read our Terms Of Use and our Refund Policy.
These conditions may be modified at any time, without prior notice to the user. It is your responsibility to check for modifications. By utilizing this website or ordering any products or services, you agree to the conditions outlined on these pages; if you do not agree to these conditions, you may not use this website.
We take your right to privacy seriously, and we want you to feel comfortable using this web site. This privacy policy deals with personally-identifiable information (referred to as "data" below) that may be collected by this site. This policy does not apply to other entities that are not owned or controlled by the site editor, nor does it apply to persons that are not employees or agents of the site editor, or that are not under the site editor's control.
In common with other websites, log files are stored on a web server saving details such as the visitor's IP address, browser type, referring page and time of visit. Cookies may be used to remember visitor preferences when interacting with the website.
Where email forms or puchase forms are used, the visitor's email and a username will be stored on a third-party web server, which is leased by RODAN, as well as a a private system owned and operated by RODAN. This information will never be sold or otherwise conveyed to any third party in any manner, whatsoever, except as may be required to consummate your purchase of goods and services or to comply with local, state or federal laws.
This site does not gather any credit card information from its users for any products or services purchased. All information regarding payment for products and services is gathered by our third-party payment processors, and only when necessary to consummate a purchase. Please refer to the privacy policies of our third-party affiliates and vendors for further information about how your credit card information is handled.
At any time you initiate communication with TURNPIKE or RODAN, including for the purchase of any goods or services, we may send email to you, directly, in resonse to your email to us. We may further send emails to you to inform you of news of our services or offers by us or our affiliates, only when you have previously sent communications to us. At any time you wish to opt-out of receiving emails from TURNPIKE or RODAN, simply reply to our communications with "REMOVE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line, and you will be taken off our list email recipients.
Even under conditions where an request to opt-out has been received, any further communication by you or a purchase of a product or service by you, through this website, may result in new communications from us.
TURNPIKE and RODAN utilize third-party analytics companies to help track website visits. Additionally, a server-based program, deployed on RODAN's server, also used to track visits. Third-party analytics companies are used in order to provide a full range of industry-recognized quantification data that may be used to customize advertising settings and content delivery.
The information gathered on this website is used to enhance the vistor's experience when using the website to display personalized content and advertising. This may include gathering specific information about the type of device used to access the website, in order to provide options about viewing the full website design or an alternate website design specifically constructed to accommodate the screen sizes and data bandwidth restrictions common to mobile devices.
Cookies are digital signature files that are stored by your web browser to allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. Also they may be used to track your return visits to the website. You may be able to block cookies via your browser settings, but this may prevent you from access to certain features of the website.
Third-party advertising companies and analytics sites may also use cookies for tracking purposes.
If you have any questions regarding the policies and terms on this website, please contact the duly appointed registered agent of RODAN at [email protected].
You may also send written communications to the following address:
Turnpike Information Company
c/o Donnie Goodwin, Esq.
Fifth Floor Suite 507
200 SE 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301